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David Posted 25 August 2017:

For the top 10 source markets, biggest visitor growth came from South Korea (+24.9%, rank 6) and France (+11.3%, rank 8).

Biggest shrinkage came from the UK (-20.1%, rank 4; likely due in part to weak GBP), Mexico (-16.2%, rank 2; maybe due in part to Trumpian political climate) and Germany (-14.7%, rank 7; choosing sunny nearby destinations like Spain and Greece this year)>

Strength of the US dollar shouldn't be overlooked as a factor in any shrinkages.

Visits from Canada (rank #1) were up by 2.6% despite 28% discount of CAD vs. USD, which is good for the Northeast US as well as Orlando and other popular US destinations.

Exchange rates and airfares (except in drive markets), the 2 biggest drivers of international destination choice, are unfortunately outside the influence of most tourism marketers. So we have to do better when disadvantaged by either of those factors.