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David Posted 25 August 2017:

In 2017 Spain is experiencing a surge in tourism(+12% visitors January-June) from the USA as well as the UK and other parts of Europe.

Underlying causes include the strong USD and rainy weather in the UK.

But anti-capitalist leftists in Catalan and Basque areas protest that "mass tourism" is impoverishing working class people by pushing up rents, "murdering the barrios" and harming the environment.

I think anyone who lives at a popular tourist destination can appreciate how the Spanish locals are feeling. Certainly in Maine there are people who'd prefer that tourists just stay home and send money. But the money is the rub, isn't it? Can't have it both ways.

In Spain the situation is aggravated by politics: both Catalans and Basques would prefer to separate from Spain, and protesting against tourism makes for good political theatre.