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David Posted 25 October 2017:

Catalonia is the region of Spain most popular with international visitors.

Catalan tourism was off about 15% in the 2 weeks immediately following the secession vote, and international Catalan hotel bookings are down 20% for the rest of 2017. The rest of Spain seems to be unaffected.

Catalonia is an autonomous region of Spain with distinct language and customs.

The referendum vote, which was authorized by the Parliament of Catalonia, was declared illegal by the government of Spain. Violence occurred as Spanish officials attempted to disrupt the voting process.

92% of those who voted said "yes" to the question "Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic?" (Those NOT in favor of this are believed to have simply ignored the referendum as the Spanish government forcefully requested they do.)

The Spanish government has said that on Friday (27 October 2017) it will strip Catalan President Carles Puigdemont of power and take over control of Catalonia directly from Madrid.

None of this is going to benefit Catalan tourism.