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David Posted 06 December 2017:

New court order allows the Trump administration fully to enforce its most recent set of restrictions on travel to the USA by all or some citizens of Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Chad, North Korea and Venezuela. In most cases, citizens of those countries will be unable to emigrate to the USA permanently, and many will be barred from entering the USA entirely.

Various legal challenges of the ban are still proceeding, and the Supreme Court justices have urged lower courts to resolve same quickly.

From a tourism perspective, recent arrivals data show that 2017 YTD visitation to the USA is down from 2016, with most of the decrease originating (predictably) from the Middle East and Mexico. Fewer visitors have arrived from some European and Asian markets also, but recent terror attacks in the USA are likely partly responsible.

USA tourism's 2018 summer season bears close watching. Leading indicators should be producing actionable data by 1 January.