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87% of Chinese travelers surveyed consider USA to be an 'unsafe' destination
27 September 2021

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Dragon Trail International

China Traveler Sentiment Report: September 2021 just released by China digital marketing specialists Dragon Trail International after surveying 1000+ Chinese travelers shows that although the perceived safety of overseas destinations is down from 6 months ago because of rising infection rates and relaxation of travel restrictions, Chinese travelers remain highly receptive to information about international destinations.

Countries which the majority of September 2021 survey respondents in China categorized as 'unsafe" are:

  1. USA (87% "unsafe")
  2. Japan (70%)
  3. UK (64%)
  4. Canada (58%)
  5. France (56%)
  6. Australia (55%)
  7. Italy (53%)
  8. Spain (52%)
  9. Germany (51%)

The international destination perceived as safest is Singapore (45% safe, 30% unsure, 26% unsafe).

Researchers found that infection numbers and infection rates correlate much more strongly to perceptions of unsafety than do vaccination rates.

Factors that motivate Chinese travelers to visit a destination include:

  1. Official travel advice (mentioned by 76%)
  2. Zero or low infection numbers in the destination (60%)
  3. No quarantine upon arrival at the destination (56%)
  4. Being fully vaccinated prior to departure (52%)


  • 81% of respondents aid they react positively to information about outbound travel.
  • Sentiments re outbound travel mentioned include:
    • Fascination or excitement
    • Craving for novelty, variety or relaxation
    • Comfort, because a distraction from daily anxieties
    • Inspiration to plan post-pandemic travel

Preferred types of international trips cited by respondents are:

  1. FIT (81%)
  2. Private group tour (26%)
  3. Small group tour (23%)
  4. Customized group tour (19%)
  5. Local guided tour (15%)
  6. Large group tour (5%)

Preferred activities on next outbound trip include (top 10):

  1. Try local food (73%)
  2. Go to beach (65%)
  3. Visit landmarks (59%)
  4. Explore rural area (43%)
  5. Go to forest/mountains (41%)
  6. Go camping, skiing, other outdoor sports (34%)
  7. Take a road trip (34%)
  8. Attend concert or festival (30%)
  9. Go shopping (29%)
  10. Go to a spa or self-care course (28%)

Comment: There are plenty of marketing hints in these findings:

  • It's better to stress low infection numbers and rates where you are, vs. high vaccination rates.
  • Search out and include any positive official travel advice for your destination.
  • Try to induce excitement, fascination, comfort - whatever can pass straight-face test - in your marketing collateral.
  • Because FIT is so popular, market directly to individuals/families
  • If you can host tours, work with operators of the types of tours the Chinese say they prefer.
  • Use those "Preferred Activities" as a checklist, mention any/all your destination can deliver.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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