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Americans are planning fall 2020 road trips but with 'some degree of uncertainty'
26 October 2020

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A survey by AAA finds that 2 out of 3 Americans planning to travel in fall 2020 report "some degree of uncertainty" as to actually being able to go, because of COVID-19 considerations.

Also 1 in 5 who are planning a trip but haven't yet booked say they won't book until a week prior to departure.

Most are planning to travel by road, many to outdoor destinations where social distancing is easier. Lower gas prices - down an average of nearly $0.50/gallon from last year - are a factor in the decision to drive.

Top 10 planned destinations reported are:

  1. Denver
  2. Las Vegas
  3. Los Angeles
  4. San Diego
  5. Seattle
  6. Keystone, SD (Mount Rushmore)
  7. Portland. OR
  8. Phoenix
  9. Colorado Springs
  10. Myrtle Beach, SC

Findings are based on a survey (online or phone) of 1,041 US adults aged 18+.

(But it looks to me like most survey respondents must live somewhere well west of the Mississippi. Who in New England is planning a road trip to Las Vegas or Phoenix?)

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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