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More older married women are traveling solo
16 November 2023

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Older women are more likely to travel than older men

More older married women are traveling solo

Boston-based educational tour operator RoadScholar reports that over the past 10 years, older married women are increasingly traveling without their husbands.

69% of RoadScholar's travelers are women, 85% of their solo travelers are women, and 60% of solo travelers in 2022 were married but traveled without their spouse.

60% of senior women surveyed said they had traveled solo at least once.


  • 49% of women over 65 are without spouse/partner
  • There are far more widowed women (12M) than widowed men (4M), because on average women live nearly 6 years longer than men
  • Divorce rate is now highest (and climbing: doubled since 1990) among older Americans

Reasons older women (in general) surveyed said they like to travel alone (top 5)

  1. Easier to meet new people and make friends (26%)
  2. Like having the autonomy to make my own decisions and spend time as I wish (22%)
  3. Like having my own space (hotel room, etc.) (21%)
  4. Want to be able to choose the destination or trip I'm most interested in (15%)
  5. Like having alone time at the end of the day to process what I've learned and reboot (9%)

Reasons older married women said they travel without their husbands (Top 5):

  1. Husband isn't interested in traveling (42%)
  2. Have different interests (40%)
  3. Husband isn't physically able to travel (21%)
  4. Prefer to travel with friends or family members (13%)
  5. Financial reasons (4%)

Why are more married women traveling solo? RoadScholar postulates that society has evolved in such a way that Boomer women are more independent, educated, adventurous and autonomous than women of previous generations.

RoadScholar has indicated that next year it will be rolling out a new collection of group tours exclusively for solo travelers.

Question: What could your destination/business do to attract and delight more of these solo senior women travelers?

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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