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UK tourists choosing more non-EU destinations for package holidays in summer 2019
05 August 2019 (Edited )

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Thomas Cook

From the foreword to the Thomas Cook Holiday Report for 2019:

"...customers do still plan to holiday abroad this year. More than half say they are more likely to travel outside the UK compared to the last couple of years. For those who have booked, it's non-EU countries such as Turkey and Tunisia which are proving popular..."

And furthermore:

"With the fluctuating value of the Pound against the Euro, nearly half of all Thomas Cook summer 2019 bookings are to destinations that don't have the Euro; an increase of 10% compared to last year."

"[Turkey] is attracting Brits en masse. Thomas Cook Airlines flights-only bookings to Turkey have shot up 27% compared to last summer..."

"The political uncertainty around Brexit is causing Brits to take a more cautious approach to booking their summer breaks..."

"One trend that stands out in this summer's bookings is the shift towards non-EU destinations. Almost half (43%) of holidaymakers say that they are more likely to travel outside of the EU compared to the last couple of years..."

"The weakness of the Pound against the Euro is most likely cause for holidaymakers' willingness to venture further afield..."

"Package bookings to Tunisia have doubled compared to last year and flight-only bookings are up four-fold."

"Multi-generational holidays, where grandparents accompany parents and children abroad, are now the norm."

"In 2019, mobile searches on are more popular than desktop searches, accounting for 58% of website traffic"

Top 5 summer destinations:

  1. Spain
  2. Turkey
  3. Greece
  4. USA
  5. Cyprus

Top holiday priorities for Gen Z:

  1. Price 75%
  2. Weather 60%
  3. Experiencing local culture 42%
  4. Local food and drink 25%
  5. Getting a tan 10%
  6. Partying 10%

Top spending priorities for Under-35s:

  1. Save / invest
  2. Overseas holiday
  3. Buy house/flat
  4. Home improvements 13%
  5. College / university 5%
  6. New car 3%


The weak GBP is driving many of these trends, and it's getting weaker as Boris Johnson continues on course to crash out of the EU in October without a trade deal. Stay tuned for further developments.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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