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WTM London Update: Outbound travel from China is recovering, but different
15 November 2023 (Edited )

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WTM London 2023

Outbound travel from China is recovering, but different

Per a new Global Travel Report released by WTM London, outbound markets in China and other emerging economies including India and Indonesia continue to grow as GDP increases and more people can afford to travel. And it also helps that the Chinese government continues to open up more countries to Chinese travelers - now, since 10 August 2023, totaling 138.

Chinese digital payment platform Alipay reports that spend by outbound travelers is continues to increase beyond the -47% level in 2022 vs. 2019.

According to the China National Tourism Administration, 40.37M Chinese travelers took international trips in the first half of 2023 - 41.6% of 2019 level.

Top destinations were:

  1. Hong Kong
  2. Macao
  3. Japan
  4. Thailand
  5. France
  6. South Korea
  7. Australia
  8. Canada
  9. UK
  10. Singapore

Singapore-based tour operator reported that although outbound travel to Europe is still in a "growth stage" for the company, in 2023 UK flight bookings were up 67% from 2022, hotel reservations up 62%. And flights to the UK were up 604% vs. 2019.

Other Western European destinations - including Germany, France, Spain and Italy - saw aggregate 40% growth in flight bookings and 60% growth in hotel bookings in 2023 vs. 2022.

Other interesting facts that emerged include:

  • Rather than simply seeking the lowest price, Chinese travelers are now looking for the most competitive price for the experience they want.
  • Chinese are showing a preference for destinations with fewer visa and document obstacles.
  • Language is now less of a barrier, and Chinese no longer need to stay in groups.

Comment: It's encouraging to see France in the top 10 destinations, but US remains conspicuous by its absence. Maybe Mr. Biden will be able to charm Mr. Xi this week?

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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