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Berry Family: Sale of Saddleback to Arctaris will close in December
13 November 2019

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A post dated 7 November 2019 and now on the home page of begins:

"The Berry Family, owners of Saddleback Mountain, have reached an agreement with Arctaris Impact Fund of Boston for the purchase and sale of Saddleback, Inc. and Saddleback Land and Timber Corp."

Saddleback has been closed since the mountain's double chairlift failed in the winter of 2014-2015.

Sale of the mountain to Australia-based Majella Group was announced in 2017, but Majella's CEO was subsequently charged with fraud in AU and Majella went bankrupt soon after.

The Arctaris Impact Fund invests in "underbanked businesses" in low- and moderate-income US communities. It's believed they intend to re-open the area for skiing (but it's unlikely that will happen for 2019-2020).

But let's hope that the sale is for real this time, and the mountain does in fact reopen sometime.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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