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Patriots and Meet Boston to partner on trade and media events in Frankfurt
30 October 2023

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Patriots vs. Colts 12 November 2023

Patriots and Meet Boston to partner on trade and media events in Frankfurt

The New England Patriots and Meet Boston (ex- Greater Boston CVB) have announced the formation of a strategic partnership intended to bring more German tourists to Boston while strengthening the Patriots brand in Germany.

Major joint event "Patriots Haus" to be held Thursday and Friday 9 and 10 November at the Hilton Frankfurt City Center will feature a live broadcast of Patriots Unfiltered 6-8 PM on Thursday and interview and book signing with The Dynasty author Jeff Benedict and Patriots alum Sebastian Vollmer 1-2 PM on Friday.

Germany is a major tourism source market for Boston, with German visitors numbering more than 80,000 annually pre-pandemic, with a spend of $100M.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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