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National Trust names Boston Harbor Islands among most endangered US historic places
11 August 2021

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Boston Harbor Islands National and State Park

Each year since1987, the National Trust for Historic Preservation has issued a list of the Most Endangered Historic Places - places important to US heritage that are most at risk of destruction or irreparable damage.

Included on the 2021 list just released are the Boston Harbor Islands - now part of a National and State Park - which due to climate change and rising sea level are suffering storm surges that result in accelerated coastal erosion and loss of architectural sites and other historic resources.

The Boston Harbor Islands encompass historic resources dating back 12,000 years, including:

  • The most intact Native American archeological landscape in Boston
  • Boston Light, built in 1783 on Little Brewster Island on the site of the original light built in1716 which was the first lighthouse to be erected in what is now the United States
  • Fort Standish, constructed in 1907 on Lovell's Island, which was among the first modern defenses of Boston Harbor

The National Trust urges that actions be taken to preserve the Islands, including:

  • Raising public attention
  • Funding for mitigation and archeological studies
  • Developing strategies to document and protect historic and natural resources from storm surges

Located only minutes by ferry from downtown Boston, Boston Harbor Islands National and State Park attracts over half a million visitors annually and is an important wildlife habitat.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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