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The Cat ME-NS ferry is running in June 2022 but well below capacity
21 June 2022 (Edited )

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Province of Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia tourism industry players insist that The Cat ferry is essential to the Nova Scotia economy. But some NS politicians and government officials are skeptical because (1) NS taxpayers have invested - and continue to invest - a great deal of money in the ferry service run by Bay Ferries, Ltd, and (2) so far in 2022 The Cat has operated at around 21% of capacity in terms of passenger numbers.

Although - because of a combination of construction delays involved in moving Bay Ferries' Maine terminal from Portland to Bar Harbor, and the COVID-19 pandemic - until this year The Cat hasn't run since 2018, the Province of Nova Scotia has provided Bay Ferries with $32M in subsidies. Also government contributions of $9.7M paid for upgrades to the Yarmouth terminal.

Why are so few Americans visiting Nova Scotia in 2022? Could it be because of Canadian COVID-19 entry restrictions and potential consequences of getting sick while in Canada?

Persons planning to enter Canada by cruise ship must first use the Canadian Government's ArriveCAN app to upload proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 and a negative test result. Anyone developing COVID-19 symptoms while on a cruise to Canada may be required to quarantine at own expense. Go here for all the fine print.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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