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Earliest date for opening of UK-US air corridor will be 28 June 2021
16 June 2021

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The so-called "Traffic Light System" implemented by the UK government classifies world countries Red, Amber or Green according to the perceived danger from COVID-19 to the UK population of entrance of their residents into the country.

Residents of the following Green List countries and territories before entering the UK must pass a COVID-19 test, book and pay for a second test, and complete a Passenger Locator Form:

  • Australia
  • Brunei
  • Falkland Islands
  • Faroe Islands
  • Gibraltar
  • Israel and Jerusalem
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore
  • South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
  • St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan to Cunha

Portugal, the Azores and Madeira were dropped from the Green List on 3 June because of concerns about rising COVID-19 positivity rates and the possible occurrence of a new mutation of the Delta variant .

No countries were added to the Green List on 3 June.

Residents of Amber List countries and territories - which include most of Europe and Asia and all of North America: US, Canada, Mexico - must pass a COVID-19 test, book and pay for 2 more tests to be taken after arrival in the UK, complete a Passenger Locator Form; then quarantine in the UK for 10 days.

Residents of Red List countries - most of Africa, South America, the Middle East and elsewhere - must pass a COVID-19 test, book a quarantine hotel package, complete a Passenger Locator Form, quarantine in a hotel managed by the UK government, and pass 2 more tests.

The same rules apply to UK residents returning from abroad.

Although a UK-US Air Corridor was agreed to in principle last week by the administrations of Joe Biden and Boris Johnson, execution of this initiative is on hold until the US is moved to the Green List. And the first opportunity for that to happen will be upon the next UK review of the Traffic Light classifications, which is scheduled for 28 June.

Assuming that the US does go green on 28 June, is 28 June too late for the UK and US tourism to benefit mutually from an air corridor in July and August this year?

Watch this space.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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