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Majority of Americans still feel cruises, international travel and bus trips are unsafe
12 April 2021 (Edited )

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Destination Analysts

Cruise ships sit idle in Miami

A new research report from Destination Analysts finds that Americans now perceive most travel activities as safe from COVID-19 with these exceptions:

  1. Cruises, perceived as unsafe by 57% of those surveyed
  2. Traveling outside the US (56%)
  3. Intercity bus travel (56%)
  4. Group bus tours (55%)

Activities perceived as safest include:

  1. Road trips, perceived as unsafe by only 14% of those surveyed
  2. Outdoor recreation (non-team) (18%)
  3. Shopping (19%)
  4. Visiting friends/relatives (19)%

These numbers are down 20% on average from 1 January 2021.

Other key findings:

  • Optimism about travel peaked in the week of 14 March, has since lessened.
  • 73% of respondents said they plan to take a leisure trip in the next 3 months.
  • Respondents said they plan to book closer than usual to arrival date.
  • But 2 out of 3 business travelers said they won't feel comfortable attending in-person meetings until at least summer 2021.
  • Most desired domestic destinations (top 5) are:
    • Florida (16%)
    • New York (15%)
    • Las Vegas (12%)
    • Hawaii (9%)
    • California (8%)
  • Top trip activities would include:
    • Getting away from daily life
    • Spending time with family
    • Escaping boredom
    • Having new experiences
    • Visiting new places
    • Meeting new people

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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