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New Acadia transportation plan could bring big changes
28 October 2016

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David 28 October 2016

The US National Park Service has released a document containing Preliminary Concepts for changes to how roads, parking and transportation in general are managed at Acadia National Park.

Reasons cited as to the need for these changes include:

  • High visitor volumes in summer and shoulder seasons, leading to road congestion and a shortage of available parking
  • High volumes of visitors and vehicles impacting natural and cultural resources
  • Narrow roads leading to conflicts between e.g. large vehicles and bicycles

A LONG list of Preliminary Concepts for the new transportation management plan includes:

  • New entrance station, and changes to entrance/exit patterns
  • Changes to traffic patterns: some 1-way areas reversed, etc.
  • Reservation system and size restrictions for private vehicles
  • Elimination of some roadside parking
  • Reservations required at some parking lots
  • Concession contracts to replace commercial tour vehicle access to some MDI roads
  • Changes to access and use of Schoodic Loop Road
  • Many more...

This is a classic case of a tourist attraction being too successful in drawing large numbers of visitors to a small geographic area during a short span of time. Time will tell whether or not implementation of the proposed changes will help or further hurt the visitor experience.

David Boggs President/CEO ACRO Global|Publisher Tourism Marketer
David H. Boggs
ACRO Global

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